Feb 12, 2015 - Communication    1 Comment

bare vexed

Who is this Isabelle Kerr lady to be putting down my generation?

I think my generation is more like Shakespeare than she realizes. In-fact I would say that we are all mini Shakespeares in the making. We have created our own unique language that is strictly for us. Who else would understand the sentence; link me at s-way mans gotta bounce out real quick. The older generation would be totally confused however the younger readers would know exactly what I want to do and why. I want them to meet me at the south junction quickly as I need to leave soon. Now are you really going to tell me that’s not creative. Kerr actually says “Shakespeare will  be turning in his grave.” I would have to say that I agree. Shakespeare would be turning in his grave but not at us playing with and evolving the English language. As he did this himself all the time without him we would not have words like ‘addiction’  and ‘assassination’, and you can bet that she has used these words before. ‘haven’t you Isabelle?

Kerr also stated that words like “selfie” “unlike” and “digital detox” were “pitiful emblems of the current young generation’s contribution to language.” I strongly disagree as I think it is inspiring how young people are smart enough to create a  new language. It should be respected not undermined. She goes on to say “I am embarrassed and ashamed” and so she should be. She hasn’t taken the time to learn this new amazing language. Just because she feels left out, does not mean that the language  is rubbish. I’m sure she doesn’t understand Mandarin so is she saying that 14.4% of the world should be ashamed. When people first traveled the world loads of new languages were made; French, Spanish, Arabic etc. was that appalling?

Her inability to see that ‘slang’ words are an inspiration to the evolution of the English language and should be treasured and promoted, rather than criticized by people who are narrow-minded and do not understand.   To label it a ‘disgrace’ to the British language is a disgrace in itself. This is why Issabelle Kerr will never have a mind of her own, and will always be a ‘sheep’ who is afraid to break boundaries and be creative. It is clear that Issabelle Kerr has a biased opinion, and has never been exposed to the culture where this type of language has originated. Maybe one day she will see the beauty of this evolution of the English language.

Modern language or slang as Issabelle would call it is actually highly advanced and technical. If you understand how it has been formed an works you can find out where someone lives and the relationship two people or a group of people have with each other. For example in South London a young person would say ‘beef’ to replace the word ‘fight’ and in North London they would use the word ‘Beef’ to reference to a good looking male.


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Feb 6, 2015 - Communication    1 Comment

I can tell you now

Can you remember when you were in school? Of course you do, it was the best days of your life right? Cast you mind back to that lesson you will never forget, in my school it was History.

I can tell you now that History is the lesson that gets your blood pumping, your fingers tingling and your foot thumping. When you step through the History classroom door you see the teacher standing by his desk. He grins at you with his bright sparkling white teeth and waves you in. His short stocky figure instantly comforts you as you know he is a friendly chap.

His knowledge and enthusiasm about History is like being in a time machine. Within a few of his words you are there fighting against Nazi Germany. Debates flying back and forth like bullets and bombs of knowledge exploding. Nothing pleases more that the constant colouring in, the bright colours reflect my mood. As I know the next fifty-five minuets are going to judgement free.

If only this was true, life would be heaven.

It isn’t true because your blood doesn’t pump it runs cold. Your fingers stop tingling and become still while your foot becomes static. When you step through that door your life drains away from you. You see him, the grin you long to see is not a grin, but a snarl. That short stocky figure has grown into a fire breathing demon, waiting for you to speak out of turn.

I was right about one thing: you do feel like you are in Nazi Germany. This Hitler impersonator imprisons you as if you were a Jew in a concentration camp. The idealistic view of a communist world is pulled away from you and dictatorship takes control. His words do not bring you back to the trenches, but make you feel like you are in no man’s land, cold and alone.

There are no colours in this classroom, but pages and pages of black ink scribbled into textbooks. The walls are dull and lifeless. The only sign of life and hope is the work from other students who have somehow made it through this torture pinned up around this cell.

This is a living hell, you die a little over and over again. Slowly you fall into a comer, not sleeping but not awake. Only to be brought back round by the fire and the screams of the demon.

It is sad to say that this kind of teaching is current into today’s schools, and hopefully there is someone out there who can make a difference one day. But realistically, lets take a look back in time. For years teachers have punished children; inflicting pain, embarrassment, custom term papers and physical punishment on them to stamp their authority.

But schools must have changed from the days of old, surely?

They think that they had it hard with the slipper and the cane, but they have not experienced this new kind of corporal punishment. This kind breaks you down, it makes your brain decay slowly but surely, this is mental torture.

If you have been affected by this article, or feel that this is something you would like to discuss more please email:


Feb 1, 2015 - Communication    2 Comments

school from 8.30 to 6.30

The sunlight still burns your eyes as you walk towards the frosty playground. Then you see it, the LNS gargoyle standing in front of the gate ready to attack you. Your heart sinks as you know they are going to find some fault in your uniform. You make it through with no item apart from your skinny blazer protecting you from frost’s evil breath. The battle is not over. In the playground it is a war zone. You hear the screams of younger years as if they were soldiers dying at war. Then you see the ball flying towards you everyone sctatters as the active grande goes off.  If you make it through the playground unharmed you now have to face the mob mentality of the corridors. The corridors are a strange place if you are too week a trip down the stairs is awaiting you. Too strong and be prepared to be sized up by the world. You make it to your lesson, the sounds of laughter and chit chat die out as the day begins. You sit there still dead to the world. Slowly you begin to come to life and the bitter scent of hard work is like the thought of going over the trenches. The monotonous tone of your teacher’s voice drags you straight back to realisation with a bang. Tick……Tock……Tick ……Tock the sound echos in your head but the lesson never seems to end. Eventually the sound you have been waiting for comes.Its like finding a lucky penny, your heart races and you feel all fuzzy inside. Until the realization of the situation becomes clear. Its only period two and you have to run the whole sequence again as if your life is on repeat.

After school at around 6:30 you step out of you forced entrapment of an extra lesson and it is like the aftermath of a war. The corridors are now disserted and have an uneasy atmosphere to them. The silence is deafening and the still air blocks your way like a brick wall. You take every step with precision prying not to get spotted by the enemy. Capture at this point would be the end of the world. From a distance classroom you can hear the muffled noise of a teacher’s music. You will never guess what they listen to, it is torture to your ears. your heart goes out to what ever poor soul the have hostage. As you hurry to avoid the pain, your eyes focus on the tatty paint job. The winding staircase is just one more cruel joke the school has to play on you. Your legs ache and your head hurts as you try and work out if the narrow walls are caving in on you, or if you just have cabin fever for being here too long. The stench of stale B.O is worst than mustard gas, it attacks your nostrils and makes your eyes water. Suddenly your tears of pain become tears of joy as you see the school gate glistening like the golden gates of heaven. Your heart sinks and it feels like you’ve swallowed a stone, when you realize the gate is locked and you have not yet escaped this war zone they call school. Panic sets in, surely there must be a way out. You turn with disbelieve as you know the only way out is back through enemy grounds. You run through no mans land as fast as you can but its too late. The cold hand of the dictatorship leader grabs your shoulder. The proper-gander of his parties aims hits you hard, desperately trying to make you stay longer.  God is looking out for you as a more vounrable student passes by. Now is your chance as his attention is else were you make your final dash for freedom. you make it the fresh air is embracing as you know you are free.

Shakespeare and the Literary Heritage – Romeo and Juliet

Fate is a recurring theme that presents itself in the work of Shakespeare, Shelley and Kipling. This is done by a number of different literary techniques. An example of these are Metaphors, the use of a meter and the way they structure their work. Fate is the development of events the happen that are out of a person’s control. For example you can throw a pebble into the river of time and create a ripple but the current will always correct itself. That’s the thing about fate it’s going to happen weather you plan it or not.

The first language technique that is used by both Shakespeare and Kipling is the use of metaphors. In Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare is forever using Metaphors. One that he uses a lot is the reference to a ship.
“He that hath the steerage of my course direct my sail”
Shakespeare is suggesting that Romeo is saying that he is the ship and God is the captain. This supports the theme of fate as it is implying that Romeo has no control over what is going to happen. God will decide all the events that the night will bring. It also means that no matter what Romeo does God has already planned out his path in life and he will willing to follow it. This is a very powerful metaphor to use as in the time that Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet the country was very religious and most of the audience would have the same beliefs and would also be putting their lives in the hands of God. Shakespeare also uses the reference of God at the end of the play as well.
“Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on the dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark”
This quote still supports the idea of fate however Romeo now seems angry at the way his fate has played out and is questioning God. He feels that he tried to control his fate and be with Juliet but this never worked out how he planned. You could say that this was God’s plan for Romeo the whole time and his fate was to die. As the death of both Romeo and Juliet served a bigger purpose as it stopped the feud of their two families.

Kipling also uses the power of metaphors in his poem ‘A Song in a Storm’
“The game is more than the player of the game, and the ship is more than the crew!”
This metaphor strengthens the theme of fate by implying that everything that goes on, is more than just you. It states that humans are a very small part in this game we call life. We all just have to play along. The idea that the sailors are in the hands of the sea is also suggesting that they are putting their lives in God’s hands as he controls the sea. Although the sailors don’t know what is going to happen they are willing to follow their fate even if it means that this is their last mission. Kipling also personifies the sea in one of his metaphors to show fate.
“Almost these mindless waters work as though they had a soul.”
This quotation highlights that tone of fate by saying that that sea has a mind of its own and will take control of tonight’s events. The fact that the sea is portrayed to have a soul means that no matter what the sailors do, they cannot change the mind of the waves and what they choose to do.

Shelly chooses not to use any metaphors in his poem ‘Ozymandias’. This would have been a deliberate choice that he made. Although he does not use any metaphors he still express the idea of fate throughout his work. It is clear that Ozymandias was a great and powerful king but even in all his glory he could not stop his fate from happening and he still died, got forgotten and became derelict.

Another way that all three authors demonstrate fate is through the use of a meter. A meter is an ongoing rhythm or beat that goes on throughout both the play and poems. This technique follows the theme of fate as like fate it is something that can’t be changed or stopped. Shakespeare uses this when he writes
“Is it even so? Then I defy you stars!”
In this quote Shakespeare uses an iambic pentameter. This style of meter is very similar to the human heart beat. This again illustrates the fact that it cannot be stopped. The endless repetition is like time. Time keeps going on no matter how hard you try and control it, a lot like fate. You cannot change the path that has been made for you, fate, time and this iambic meter are all never ending and inevitable. However the words in the quote are said by Romeo as he is not pleased with the way his life is going and he is now questioning Gods plan. This is important because up until now Romeo was happy to follow God’s plan. He has also began to realize that he has no control in what is going on with his fate. He tries to control it by taking his own life and stopping the beat of his heart and in turn stopping the iambic meter. Although this does work some might say that this was Gods overall plan for him and actually Romeo’s part in the grand plan of things was over. So therefor he did not change his fate but followed all the steps he was supposed to.

Kipling also uses the use of a meter. Kipling uses the meter to not only help the undertone of fate but also to reflect the movement of the sea. The meter flows just like waves coming in and out.
“We can make good all loss except the loss of turning back”
This quote says that you should not run away from your fate, you should just go with the flow. The use of a meter helps this as it gives you the rhythm to do so. The quote also implies that as long as you follow your fate you will never loose. Turning back on yourself and fate will always provide you with the biggest lose as eventually you are destined to end up in the same place. This again is supported by the use of a meter as you can’t turn back on the rhythm as it is pre-designed to go the way you are meant to go.

Shelley also uses an iambic meter in his poem Ozymandias. This beat again is continuous and uncontrollable just like fate. This Iambic meter is shown in the lines.
“of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare.”
This shows that time and fate keeps flowing on. You cannot speed it up, slow it down or change it. The view of fate in this poem is consolidated by the use of this iambic pentameter. This quote shows that even Ozymandias who was a “king of Kings” could not control fate and lost everything. He could not control his fate even with all his power. Fate happened regardless just like the iambic meter. Shelley also uses the iambic pentameter to portray the movement of time.

As much as all three authors use a lot of literary techniques that are the same the all have adopted their own unique additional features. Each of these features is effective in their own way. Shakespeare uses the use of a prologue to enhance fate. Shelley uses a Volta to support the shift of fate and Kipling uses repetition and a changing rhyme scheme.
Shakespeare starts his play with a literary device called a prologue. Right at the start of the play Shakespeare is playing with the idea of fate. He tells the audience exactly what is going to happen to the lead character. Throughout the rest of the play we watch whilst both Romeo and Juliet make choices and twists and turns to control what is going to happen in their lives. However inevitably they cannot change their fate and they end up exactly where they were planned to be. This proves that you cannot change fate no matter how hard you try. If it has already been planned out then it’s going to happen regardless. It is almost like Shakespeare uses irony to imply fate throughout the play. The fact that Friar John was quarantined in a small village and could not deliver the letter to Romeo informing him of the fact that Juliet is not really dead.
“I could not send it- here it is again- nor get a messenger to bring in thee, so fearful were they of infection”
The letter was Friar Lawrence’s way of controlling fate unfortunately this did not work. In the eara of Romeo and Juliet people would of not only believed that God created an individual’s destiny but also controlled disease. This means that in a way God was still controlling the character fate as he prevented the plan of sending a letter to Romeo.
Shelley places a Volta in his poem to separate the first Octave from the last Sestet. It is also at this stage that the fate of Ozymandias changes. In the beginning of the poem Shelly talks about a traveler who finds the remains of a statue.
“Half sunk, a chattered visage lies, whose frown and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command”
Even by the remains of the statue the traveler could tell that Ozymandias was powerful. After the Volta the image of Ozymandias changes.
“Nothing besides remains. Round the decay”
This lets the reader know that fate isn’t controllable by anyone, even if you are a great and powerful leader. In the end we are all going to die and be forgotten. All the power and control a ‘king of king’ might have won’t allow them to decide what will happen to them. Shelley also uses a distinct rhyming scheme in his poem Ozymandias. The rhyme scheme starts off quite strict and structured. By the end of the poem the rhyme scheme has broken down. The rhyme scheme mirrors the journey of fate. The rhyming scheme decays just like Ozymandias did.

Kipling applies a different strategy to reinforce fate in his poem, he uses repetition. Kipling is the only one who actually uses the word fate.
“Then welcome Fate’s discourtesy”
Kipling places this line near the end of every stanza it helps support the idea that we are not in control of fate. It also implies that we should not see this as a bad thing but instead welcome the fact that our future is a mystery and we should enjoy the journey. Kipling is also saying that it is alright to be afraid of the unknown and that we should allow fate to take its course as life is more important than just you.

Overall I would have to say that all three authors, although taken different approaches, all portray fate as uncontrollable and inevitable. Although you cannot change the river of time you can create ripples. Some people believe that if you create enough ripples that you can change the tide because the future is never really set. However all three of these pieces will prove this to be wrong. That’s the thing about fate it’s going to happen weather you plan it or not.

Jun 6, 2014 - Communication    No Comments

Poetry Story

The poem I am linking to my story is ‘Bayonet Charge’.

As he lay there tossing and turning, you could see the dream etched across his forehead and the pain streaming down his face. The sweat he was exuding formed a moist patch surrounding his torso. The ache in his body that has been formed through the years of pain and distress was evermore apparent
as he lay there numb. This was however not the case in his mind. The battles he was facing were far larger then those that loomed on the surface. As he awoke the puddle of sweat swarmed down him and he broke down into tears. Then he stopped. It was if a simple thought of recognition to his outside surroundings suddenly hit him. Although his thoughts that tore him to shreds flew in and out of his ominous mind, there was almost a peace and calm which fluctuated and rose out of him. All this time he was running away from his fears but now he realised he must face them. He must stand up tall and with a purpose.

It was a dark, humid evening when I was out on patrol, we had a long day fighting the Taliban and were heading back to the so called ‘safe zone’. The morale among my fellow soldiers was low, we had nothing left to offer. We were sitting in the truck in an abysmal state, then we stopped. There was a commotion outside and a dialect of Arabic was shouting in our direction. That’s when the gunfire started. We jumped out of the truck and took shelter behind it. There were bullets flying over our head. They were close. I shot back in anger and that’s when it happened. It was if time had frozen, my friend, the one who was there for me throughout everything, gone in a flash. I could taste the fear growing in my mouth, slowly travelling down the length of my throat, into the pit of my stomach where the butterflies currently fluttered their wings ferociously. Now it was just me and my thoughts. Am I really making a difference? Who am I really fighting for? But the biggest question that posed in my mind was what the hell am I doing here? The bullets continued to fly over me, Then it hit me. Yes I am making a difference, I’m here to fight for my country and all the people at home that are relying on me to return, to provide for them, hearing their voices of undying love scrolling around my head, keeping me going, keeping me alive. That’s when the bullets stopped, they were retreating. But why? I cautiously went to inspect the aftermath. I took 3 steps and after that it was just a flash. Every night I relive this dream, waking up, trying to run away from reality, which is quite ironic because I won’t be running away from anything, nor walking nor crawling.

The hospital corridors stench of bleach travelled through the room that gave the air a feel of despair. The doctor continued his tests on the depleted soldier, you could tell by his submission that there was no hope for this young fighter. It was not just his legs that left him when the IED exploded, but his mind and his soul too. A man’s dream gone in a literal flash. This lasted a couple of weeks before the Doctor noticed a change. The young soldiers mind set was different. Yes the dreams still continued but he woke up determined, not crying. This was no longer a lost soul in a war zone, This was a dedicated man ready to make a change in his life, for the better of not only himself but everyone around him, that single flash may have changed his life temporarily, but the soldier inside will live on forever.

Jul 1, 2013 - Communication    No Comments

Petrarchan Sonnet

Wife to Be (Petrarchan Sonnet)

I stroll along a fragrant country lane(a)
With honeysuckle perfume on the air -(b)
And feathered crooner’s warble to revere -(b)
Then cross a golden sea of flowing grain(a)
In empathy – it seems to sense my pain(a)
Of knowing all was done with my affair -(b)
Her empty meaning now the solitaire(b)
She cast away – betrothment all in vain.(a)
But oceans team with many fish to catch(c)
So I must up and hoist another sail(d)
And seek the one that really waits for me,(e)
For soon auspicious breezes will prevail(d)
In guiding forth to find a truer match: (c)
The one to take my hand as wife to be.(e)

2.It is the same rhythm as Shakespeare sonnet iambic pentameter.
It is 10 syllables.

3. I found the metaphor verse 4: “Then I cross a golden sea of flowing grain”. This metaphor means he is walking through a field of wheat.

4. It is a poem is about man or woman who walks across the countryside, through fields, with a broken heart. But he says that he should not be worried because there is more “fish in the sea”, which means that there are other women in the world that he can love. He can have a better future out of you.
5. The Volta starts from “but ocean them with many things to catch”. Before this point, he was heart broken and he though he could never live another. From the starting point of the Volta, then he realised that he could have a better life without her.

Jun 23, 2013 - Communication    No Comments


I am single, I do not have a wife
The weather is dull which suits me just right
I feel its the end of my lonely life
However if you have a nasty bite

But,would you change for me with this poeM
You’re eyes are blue as the sky and you’re hot
If I take a picture of you I’ll show’m
And if I sell them they may buy the lot

Me and you together the summer feels so fine
And you are a dumb blond and so am I
At times when you speak you are out of line
You taste like a sweet pie and you’re sly

I love every night when you go in your cage
But at the end of the day you are my dog

1) What is the basic idea of the poem?
2) Where is the Volta in the poem? What happens at this point?
3) How could this sonnet be improved?
4) Does this sonnet conform to all sonnet rules? If not, which part has to be amended?
5) Which part do you like the most? Why?
6) What do the references to the weather symbolise?
7) Write an improved couplet for the end of the poem.

Mar 21, 2013 - Communication    1 Comment

Hotel Rwanda scene analysis

The director uses different types of camera shots. Those shots are not chosen randomly. Camera shots are carefully chosen by the director in order to emphasise the feelings felt by viewers. The director used sound to make more drama in the scenes. In the second scene when the car goes up the green hill, the director operates with a long shot. To the contrary, in the following scene, the director changed shots and used a level med over shoulder shot. This change of shots creates a clear split between those two scenes.

In one of the scenes Paul is dropped out from the static visual field of the camera. That builds up tension because we don’t know where he went, where he did land on.
Then the camera focused on Paul’s face. The camera man uses a close up shot to his face. You can see on his face that something is not right but we still don’t know what it is. Then Paul recoiled, jumped up and the fog started to disappear and we saw what Paul landed on. The film maker uses the changing of weather condition to emphasise the tension.

Another effect used by the director is produced by the sound track. The director uses several peaceful digetic sounds such as frogs, grass and cricquet, which create a relaxing and calm atmosphere. Then the director suddenly change of atmosphere by stopping the previous soundtrack and from this point we start to hear the sound of the squeaky sound of the car vibration. This soundtrack rupture creates a shock for the viewers.

In the last scene of this film, we can see Paul standing up an then looking up towards the misty road in front of him. Then, the fog slowly disappeared and we can see many dead bodies lying on the road. Here, the director uses a long over Paul shoulders shot. When the fog slowly disappears, it creates a tension effect. We don’t know what remains hidden by the fog. Also, the over Paul shoulders shot makes the viewers feeling Paul’s pain. It is like we are part of the scene.

Feb 14, 2013 - Communication    1 Comment

Cat and dog

Once upon a time, there were a cat and a dog always fighting each other .The dog what was fat and small. And he always had a cigar in his mouth. The cat was skinny and had weird moustache. He was really loud and very persuasive. If he did not get his own way he was angry. He hated certain kind of animal such as mice and birds. One day the cat took the birds and he made them working for him. He took them to the shower to make them clean out his way and made them work and they have got little food and sleep. When they get old they go to the shower. Their jobs were cut down trees. All the jobs would be farmer and carpenter and if you do not have that skills you go to the shower.

One day the cat sent the planes to the dog area. The cat planes dropped bombs to the dog base. Then, the dog sent up his pitballs. The pitballs were the fastest planes around in 1939. Five of the pitballs went down. Only one was left. They spinned around the cat planes. The cat planes could not see anymore it then it was behind the pitball fired all he bullets at the cat planes. They all blew up.

Jan 21, 2013 - Communication    1 Comment

Why is napoleons a pig

All of this is not, of course, merely a study in one pig’s power play. Napoleon does not make sense unless you realize that he is a double for Joseph Stalin, who served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 until his death more than 30 years later. Like Napoleon, Stalin was a master at pulling strings behind the scenes. He grew a secret police force, the NKVD (later the KGB), which behaved a bit like Napoleon’s dogs, ultimately proving its by assassinating Leo Trotsky, Snowball’s double and one of Stalin’s chief rivals.

The links between Joseph Staline and Napoleon the pig are:
They are both greedy and they are both really powerful and wealthy.
As Joseph Staline has got his own secret police force called KGB, Napoleon the pig has got his own little army made of poppies.


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